
Professional experience

  • At present: Teamleader at Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt, Engagement Global. Mediation and public speaking activities.
  • Project management and implementation in peacebuilding, international understanding and civic participation.
  • Consulting and mediation with organisations and teams, facilitation of dialogue processes with conflict actors (quiet diplomacy), working with traumatised teams.
  • Research on and documentation of mediation, action research.
  • Facilitation of civic education seminars and study trips.
  • Volunteer mediator for students and families.


Conflict management training manual

Contribution to a book on civil conflict management

Articles, studies, internal working papers

What else...?

Ever since I had been to the USA as a 17 year old exchange student with Youth for Understanding I have always strived to know other cultures at a deeper level. In total, I have spent eight years abroad and have been working internationally for 14 years. My role models are my former Malawian and Burundian colleagues whom I owe until today - they have modeled conflict transformation for me over and over again in every day life, and they have inspired me until today. I wish to give back and pass on the hospitality of my hosts and openness of my international partners.